Hi to all the readers of Monetary Mechanics,
Recently, as you may have already noticed, I have had a change in life and work circumstances, which means that, unfortunately, Monetary Mechanics would have to go on a hiatus. I would also like to apologize for the lack of new issues for the last few months due to me having to move internationally. I hope that I would be able to resume publications in the future, but Monetary Mechanics would have to be placed on hold for the moment. On the bright side, the valuable knowledge that I would no doubt acquire in the meantime would allow me to write more informed and insightful issues whenever I would be able to resume publications again.
For all the current paid subscribers of Monetary Mechanics, what this essentially means is that, effective immediately, your paid subscriptions are paused. During this time, current paid subscribers will not be charged, and all published issues (free and premium) will remain viewable and accessible on the Monetary Mechanics Substack page (feel free to read, like, comment, and share). You do not need to take any actions.
For all the other readers of Monetary Mechanics, I am not accepting paid subscriptions anymore during this time.
Monetary Mechanics has been successful beyond my wildest dreams. When I started my Substack, just over a year ago, I never thought that I would be able to reach an audience of nearly 10,000 readers, readers who are also interested in the arcane minutia of economic history and the modern monetary system like me. I hope that Monetary Mechanics have been, and continues to be, a valuable source of knowledge for all of you.
Lastly, if there is anyone who would like to stay in touch with me, please respond to this email, and I would be glad to give you my contact information so we can continue to stay in touch!
If you’re not accepting any new paid subscriptions, is there a way to access locked content? Maybe open up all articles?
If I was a subscriber for 1 year but cancelled in September do to lack of issues being produced, is it possible to get back on?